Articles published in the Journal of Sustainability aim to be particularly succinct to reach both academic and practical audiences. Accordingly, no article published in this journal exceeds 6,000 words, and every article in the Journal of Sustainability must include practical implications. The following types of articles are published in the journal:
Research article: Standard research papers of 3,500 – 6,000 words in length, excluding tables, illustrations, and references.
Review: Articles which summarize the state-of-the-art sustainability research in a particular sub-field. Narrative reviews, meta-syntheses and meta-analyses are considered. 4,500 – 6,000 words in length, excluding tables, illustrations and references.
Perspective: Papers in an “op-ed” style that share a particular perspective on a sustainability-related topic. Usually 800-1,000 words excluding tables, illustrations, and references.
Any article published in the Journal of Sustainability is accompanied by an abstract that is ca. 150 words. Suggested structure of Research articles and Reviews: Introduction, theoretical framing, methods, results, discussion, recommendations. There is no suggested structure for Perspectives.
We encourage you to publish any original data that your article is based on alongside your article.